Location: Lands End, Cornwall.

Photographer: Jerome Murray

Keywords: Tourist Coastal Rocks & Sea

File Size: 52MB

Approaching storm at Lands End view across Zawn Wells to the Rocky Islands of Enys Dodnan and The Armed Knight & Carn Greeb cliffs with the Longships lighthouse in the distance Lands End Penwith West Cornwall South West England UK Approaching; Arch; Atlantic Ocean; Breaking; Britain; British; Brooding; Cliffs; Cliff Top; Cornish; Cornwall; Dark; England; Ethereal; Evening; GB; Great Britain; Iconic; Kernow; Lands End; Lighthouse; Natural; Penwith; Sky; dark clouds; shower clouds; South West; Stone; UK; Wave; West; West Country; Westcountry; atmospheric; breakers; coast; coastal; coastline; rock formations; geology; tourism; tourist attraction; holiday; vacation; travel; crashing; dramatic; elements; fury; gales; horizon; horizontal; landscape; nature; rocks; rough; rugged; sea; seascape; storm; stormy; sunlight; sunny; sunshine; surf; water; waves; weather; white water; wild; windy

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